Hello, FBA Seller, now that you're selling on Amazon.com, we hope you've had an opportunity to explore how Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) can help boost your sales.
You can gain the benefits of FREE shipping on orders over $35 and Amazon Prime by sending your first shipment of FBA inventory to an Amazon fulfillment center.
Get started with
your first shipment!
Here are some of the most common questions sellers ask about sending inventory to Amazon:
What products are eligible for FBA?
How do I list my products for FBA?
Do I need to label my FBA products?
How do I create a shipment?
We've created a checklist that will answer these and other questions and help you prepare your inventory for your first shipment. If you already have your shipment ready, we encourage you to visit your Seller Central shipping queue and complete your first shipment to our fulfillment centers.
The Fulfillment by Amazon Team