Herbs make up most of the plant sources for the production of useful drugs that are being utilized by
people worldwide (Agbo et al., 2000). Most existing plants have medicinal values, of which steps are being taken by scientific research to properly test and utilize these plants for therapeutic purposes. Herbal plants like the garden type of Dancus carota (carrot), have been found to inhibit cancer growth, improve sight and cure certain conditions of diabetes. Aloe vera, Garlic (Allium sativum),onions (Allium cepa), African mistletoe (Loranthus benguensis), are useful for cancer,
hypertension, diabetes, etc (Farnsworth et al., 1985). The
efficacy of a medicinal plant depends on the preparation
of the plant material for consumption and/or remedy for
various diseases. Some are taking raw, cooked, roasted,
applied as topical, while some have to go through a
process of extract preparation before use. All the various
methods and root of intake is to enhance the
bioavailability and hence, the efficacy of the plant
material. However, if the method of preparation and
intake of the plant material is wrongly applied, the desired
result may not be achieved.