Dear customer,
receive His message containing request for information about the insurance policy headed to the Lady.
In order to provide feedback on your request, we invite you to bring forth appropriate documentation (death certificate / Declaration It replaced the Act known)
capable of proving the death of the insured and the qualification of the heirs of the deceased.
We ask that you also give a double-sided copy of a valid, effective and readable identification,
and forward everything to our company through one of the following ways:
Dear Cardif,
died some time ago a lady Thai resident in Italy who had signed a your policy.
Family members are heirs residing in Thailand and would like access to the inheritance.
The main question is who would like to know the consistency of this policy to see if it is worth undertaking a practice of succession.
I have had through third persons policy number, but not the policy which evidently is lost to the removal of the corpse. I understand that it is strange, but in practice there was a beneficiary in case of death but could not collect because the death occurred before the deadline.
The beneficiary in case of death issued to me that I know the families of the deceased, your letter in which you just said that only the heirs can collect the insurance.
What I was wondering, to know precisely what to do consistency heirs? It 'just a statement with a copy of a document? Or is there something else that needs to be done? A declaration of an affidavit can not be made to go to Italy because of course there would be a considerable expense, the Italian Embassy does not accept statements by non-Italian citizens or non-resident in Italy.
In waiting for your kind reply Best regards
Claudio Santini
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