To this end, it is well worth considering that some of
the most relevant examples and applications of M&S for
fresh food supply chain can be found in Massei [23],
Bruzzone and Tremori [24], Busato and Berruto [25],
Rossi [26], and many others.
Bruzzone and Tremori (2006) and Massei (2006)
apply M&S in fresh fish and meat supply chains, providing
tools integrated with optimization techniques for testing
methodologies and supporting decision makers.
Busato and Berruto [25] focus on simulating the process
of recalling contaminated products using the discrete
event simulator (DES) paradigm. Similarly Rossi [26]
investigates the impact of dual sourcing strategies on
fresh fruits quality. On the other hand external risks
such as terrorist attacks have been considered in
Bruzzone and Tremori [24] where simulation is intended
to analyze the impact of adverse events on retail networks.
Besides the model avails of System Dynamics
Techniques in order to take into account a variety of
factors such as the influence of media broadcasting
news and customers’ concerns. Other interesting
applications and case studies can be found in Bruzzone
et al.