Now of course, we have made great strides in aviation since the days of the Hindenberg, but so great of strides to produce such a contraption as this ‘air cruise ship’? I mean what are we calling this thing?
Seriously, I am still waiting on the flying delorean we were promised to arrive this year (2015) from Back to the Future II, circa 1989.
I am curious your thoughts on this contraception. So many questions cross my mind:
Would you go on it? Why or why not?
Given our current technology and aviation capabilities, is this air cruise ship even feasible?
What are some of its drawbacks?
If you had a choice between two experiences: air cruise ship or head to outerspace, would you vacation on this air cruise ship or would you take the trip to space. Which, by the way, is a reality today.
Speaking of heading to outer space, it is recently reported that Virgin Galactic is preparing to test their 2nd spaceship after the fatal crash of last year. Even with the VG disaster, space tourism is alive and progressing. For a cool $20 million+, you can speed to outer space with Space Adventures, a company that has already had approximately 7 travelers participate in their outer space excursion.
Cruising on a mega ship with 4,000-6,000+ people on a floating city is enough excitement for most. However, I suppose their is a market for an air cruise ship. Maybe?