Dear company representatives,
Chevron appreciates the good relations we have with many of our suppliers, contractors, and others stakeholders,
and we want to promote transparent and ethical practices for keeping these relations beneficial to all.
We believe it is worthwhile to draw your attention to our gifts and entertainment policy. Please do not consider this
to be directed to your company or any of your employees.
Chevron policy is to purchase and contract based on quality, service, and price. Employees or agents representing
our company are to show no preference because of any favors or other personal consideration.
In addition, the policy prohibits the acceptance of gifts, entertainment, trips, discounts, loans, or other favors of
more than a modest value. Such gestures should not be offered to our employees. We believe that costs of gifts
would be added to the cost of business operation and would subsequently be reflected in the cost of products
or services.
In addition, if you are aware of any relationships or any activities between you, your supervisors, your managers or
your employees with Chevron’s employees that could be considered or appear to be a conflict of interest, please
inform us through the e-mail, We assure you the information will be kept confidential.
We hope that you abide by our policy since we wish to avoid any cause for our representative’s ethic to be questioned.