The conclusion is not that to focus only on those patients which provide the high ratings according to the satisfaction but also focus on those customers which has negative perception about the quality of public sector service hospitals
so it is necessary for the effective production to spent some recourses on these customers to identify the actual problem
this study also shows that even though the customers were high satisfied with the overall service and performance you should need to check that which variables were rated low and need to more focus on those variables So Health care is the high involvement services as concern to the person’s health and well being so healthcare providers should manage the quality and continuously redesigning the process and understanding the factors which are highly influence with patient satisfaction other main factors are the tangible elements such like rooms and toilet facilities should be clean and clear because it reduce the patient stress and also management should provide the clean and clear symbols and signs to patients to find out the rooms easily. staff concern is also important factor that affect customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty so management should hire the service minded nursing staff and others staff of the hospital should
be train according to health services The healthcare providers should consider the elements which mention in the study for the overall patient satisfaction and outperform the firms that do not provide the customer satisfaction. To improve these variables or for the better performance it is necessary to evaluate or identify the customer’s needs on the annual basic as well