The latest statistics in Tunisia [1] show a number of
151423 of disabled people, 42.5% of them have a motor
handicap, this number augment each year due to traffic
accidents. Some victims of a severe vascular accident in the
region of the brain stem remain in a state of complete
muscular paralysis. They can't communicate with those
around them, although they have all their cognitive faculties.
The use of wheelchairs (manual or electric) is very beneficial
for people with reduced mobility. Traditional electricpowered
wheelchairs (EPWs) are normally controlled by
users via joysticks. This type EPWs cannot satisfy the needs
of elderly and disabled users who have restricted limb
movements caused by some diseases such as parkingson's
disease and quadriplegics.
Thanks to recent advances in artificial intelligence,
robotic technology and smart chips and sensors, new
horizons for intelligent wheelchairs are now open. This new
technology improves the quotidian of handicapped and older
person by winning mobility and independence.
The successful development of the Intelligent Wheelchair
(IWs) consists on their high performance and low cost. Like
all the other intelligent service robots, the main performance
of IWs includes: (i) The autonomous navigation capability
for good safety, flexibility, mobility, obstacle avoidance, etc.
(ii) The intelligent interface between the users and the IWs.
(iii) The adaptation of the IW control technique with the type
and the degree of handicap.