Study 2
Features of e-learning
Advantages of e-learning
Disadvantages of e-learning
I want to knoe more about e-learning
Then how abount examining the advantages&disadvatages of e-learning
1.Use the m ost widely used intemet network as the basic environment
-Learning is possible at anytime
-Learning is possible wherever it is able to have Internet access
2.use awinde set ofin formation technology
-Internet -SAtellite broadcast -mobile
3.Has various processes of online earning
The term online learning is used as the same with
web-based learning or intranet based learning
Basic online learning of program
Include management of records such as text, graphic, test score and bookmark
Sophisticated online learning program
Include animation,simulations,audio snd video sequences,peer and expert discussion groups
online mentoring,reference links for matranet and corporate communication of records for education
4.Learning system for performing teaching and learning activity
e-Learning enables diverse teaching and learing activities
4.4.Learning system for performing teaching and learning activity
Understand the learning content and the information deliverered
Advanced level
Achieve the learning goal by the process of application,