INTRODUCTION TO E-MAIL The word e-mail is short for electronic mai!. The spelling of this short fom is different according to populanty. Some people may spell email, and some may simply spell mail. E-mail is a system or means of sending and receiving messages from one computer to another, which can happen anwhere and anytime between computer users from different places around the world. A document or file can also be sent with an e-mail message, which is call attachment. The use of e-mail requires access to the Intemet. The use of the word e-mail has been widespread since people began to use e-mail to send a massage or document. In several situations, people refer a message they send to and receive by the e-mail system as an e-mail. It is also acceptable to use the word e-mail as a verb. For example, Can you e-mall me the schedule? To start using e-mail, we need to have our own e-mail addresses such as Noppadol and boonkl