A joint venture with Davidson at a greenfield site in
Born also offered Marley the opportunity to introduce
a new management style and structure. During the
1980s more than 100 Japanese firms have established
operations in the UK. In doing so they have
implemented their human resource practices of workforce
flexibility, minimal job classifications and use of
teams with a total quality strategy. Though practically
unknown in British industry, including Marley’s other
operations, these practices seemed to be working well.
These practices are described in extensive detail by Peter
Wickens, the Personnel Director of Nissan Motor Manufacturing
UK (1988). The opening of the greenfield site
in Holland, and also the creation of another joint venture
in the UK with a Japanese company, offered Marley the
opportunity to learn more about the Japanese policies
and practices and possibly extend them to other operations.
This desire was certainly consistent with
Davidson’s methods of operations, since it has implemented
many similar practices in its plants in New
Hampshire and Ontario, Canada.
A joint venture with Davidson at a greenfield site inBorn also offered Marley the opportunity to introducea new management style and structure. During the1980s more than 100 Japanese firms have establishedoperations in the UK. In doing so they haveimplemented their human resource practices of workforceflexibility, minimal job classifications and use ofteams with a total quality strategy. Though practicallyunknown in British industry, including Marley’s otheroperations, these practices seemed to be working well.These practices are described in extensive detail by PeterWickens, the Personnel Director of Nissan Motor ManufacturingUK (1988). The opening of the greenfield sitein Holland, and also the creation of another joint venturein the UK with a Japanese company, offered Marley theopportunity to learn more about the Japanese policiesand practices and possibly extend them to other operations.This desire was certainly consistent withDavidson’s methods of operations, since it has implementedmany similar practices in its plants in NewHampshire and Ontario, Canada.
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