Good hygiene practices in the government institutions training centres are fundamental and current
status of hygiene practices were assessed and analysed in order to understand the phenomenon before
next action. While the objective of this research is to assess the level of food hygiene practices among
food handlers, the findings of this study lead to the conclusion that in general food handlers in the
government institutions are aware and do implement good hygiene practices. Working experience and
consistent monitoring by the MOH have added value to the good hygiene practices, thus they are in line
with the requirements of the Food Act 1983 and Food Hygiene Regulations 2009. Although contract food
handlers are the dominant workers and most of them have lower level of education, they have not
compromised the quality of hygiene. In view of these findings, despite the background of the food
handlers, effort to inculcate good food hygiene practices must include continuous monitoring on the
practices of the food handlers. Hence, the findings suggest that managers or food operators should have
more sensible expectations in their food business. On the other hand, due to some limitations that exist in