Stop Wearing School Uniforms School students always wear uniforms when they have to go to school. Schools and adults are never against uniforms. All of them agree to make their children wear uniforms. Many well intende adults have justified the use of school uniforms for many different reasons. There are several pros and cons about wearing uniforms. While the make valid points, loften disagree with them because of some disadvantages.
Supporters of school uniforms argue that uniforms will stopéher students by being judged on how they look and uniforms will make itharder for cliques fo o matter what you dress students in will always find a way to pass judgement upon their peers s not based upon the style of clothes worn, there are many other superficial ways to judge people and form cliques including: hair style, hair colour, height, weight, accessories odow the way one walks and smoking habits This list is by no means exhaustive, but you get the idea ues can be a problem in schools and judging people u their appearance can be bad in schools owever, making everyone wear the same type of clothes is not going to make the problem magically disappear Instead of hiding from the problem why not tackle it head on. Teach your kids to accept the odd kid out. Teach your kids not to judge based upon superficial criteria. Kids can be taught to be open to all sorts of peoplej By making everyone wear the same types of lothes, you are just sending the message that since you can't accept each other when you are different, and we're going to make you all the same How will your child ever cope in the adult world when they actually do encounter someone who is different then themselves?
Proponents of school uni maintain that uniforms will savehamilies' money and students won't pressure their parents to buy clothes some families can't afford disagree with that. Uniforms have voids buying brand-name clothing, clothes can be relatively saved m money. affordable. en my mom bought my little brother his uniforms, she bought him two separate outfits, two golf shirts, two pairs of pants, one sweatshirt and one vest that came to around $250,00, she could this is just a comparison]Itshould also be noted that when you buy uniforms, regular street clothing also needs to be bought for weekends and during the summer. For example, some might say, "Wait a second. My kid's T-shirt costs $40 or not that difficult to find long lasting clothing in the 10-20 dollar range. The only catch may not have your child's favourite company logo that is endorsed by a multi Socwhat if your kid says that all the cool kids have Nike shirts? This is an ideal time s would also be a good time to teach your your child that there is more to life than a cool logo