Sufficient supply of nutrients, efficient gas transfer and exchange,
and delivery of photosynthetically-active radiation (PAR)
(Logan and Roanld, 2011) are all major challenges during productions
of microalgae, which have been the subject in academic
and industrial studies. Besides these, it was also found by U.S.DOE
in 2010, microalgal monocultures grown for biofuel and other bioproducts
were susceptible to biological pollutants.
Sufficient supply of nutrients, efficient gas transfer and exchange,and delivery of photosynthetically-active radiation (PAR)(Logan and Roanld, 2011) are all major challenges during productionsof microalgae, which have been the subject in academicand industrial studies. Besides these, it was also found by U.S.DOEin 2010, microalgal monocultures grown for biofuel and other bioproductswere susceptible to biological pollutants.
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