Operating in the digital age
New technologies provide P&G with unique opportunities to build our business and to listen, learn and engage with consumers, stakeholders and employees through the use of a wide variety of social media.
Many of our employees and partners use social media in their daily work. As we use social media, it’s important to understand that the many laws around the world regulating what P&G can say about the Company, our brands and our products apply in social media, just as they do in many other business interactions.
P&G has developed a Global Social Media Policy that describes the principles for its use, as well as standards & procedures for employees and partners when they use it as a key responsibility of their job, for collaborating internally and externally, or in their personal life. If we could boil down our policy into two key points, they are: 1) Use good judgment and 2) follow our Purpose, Values and Principles and all applicable laws.
Download our Social Media Policy