Dermal wound healing, in which transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFb1) plays an
important role, is a complex process. Previous studies suggest that vitamin D has a potential
regulatory role in TGFb1 induced activation in bone formation, and there is cross-talk
between their signaling pathways, but research on their effects in other types of wound
healing is limited. The authors therefore wanted to explore the role of vitamin D and its
interaction with low concentration of TGFb1 in dermal fibroblast-mediated wound healing
through an in vitro study.
Human dermal fibroblasts were treated with vitamin D, TGFb1, both, or vehicle, and then
the wound healing functions of dermal fibroblasts were measured. To further explore
possible mechanisms explaining the synergistic effect of vitamin D and TGFb1, targeted
gene silencing of the vitamin D receptor was performed.
Compared to either factor alone, treatment of fibroblasts with both vitamin D and low
concentration of TGFb1 increased gene expression of TGFb1, connective tissue growth
factor, and fibronectin 1, and enhanced fibroblast migration, myofibroblast formation,
and collagen production. Vitamin D receptor gene silencing blocked this synergistic effect
of vitamin D and TGFb1 on both collagen production and myofibroblast differentiation. Thus
a synergistic effect of vitamin D and low TGFb1 concentration was found in dermal
fibroblast-mediated wound healing in vitro.
This study suggests that supplementation of vitamin D may be an important step to
improve wound healing and regeneration in patients with a vitamin D deficiency.
Dermal wound healing, in which transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFb1) plays animportant role, is a complex process. Previous studies suggest that vitamin D has a potentialregulatory role in TGFb1 induced activation in bone formation, and there is cross-talkbetween their signaling pathways, but research on their effects in other types of woundhealing is limited. The authors therefore wanted to explore the role of vitamin D and itsinteraction with low concentration of TGFb1 in dermal fibroblast-mediated wound healingthrough an in vitro study.Human dermal fibroblasts were treated with vitamin D, TGFb1, both, or vehicle, and thenthe wound healing functions of dermal fibroblasts were measured. To further explorepossible mechanisms explaining the synergistic effect of vitamin D and TGFb1, targetedgene silencing of the vitamin D receptor was performed.Compared to either factor alone, treatment of fibroblasts with both vitamin D and lowconcentration of TGFb1 increased gene expression of TGFb1, connective tissue growthfactor, and fibronectin 1, and enhanced fibroblast migration, myofibroblast formation,and collagen production. Vitamin D receptor gene silencing blocked this synergistic effectof vitamin D and TGFb1 on both collagen production and myofibroblast differentiation. Thusa synergistic effect of vitamin D and low TGFb1 concentration was found in dermalfibroblast-mediated wound healing in vitro.การศึกษานี้แสดงให้เห็นว่า การเสริมวิตามิน D อาจเป็นขั้นตอนสำคัญในการปรับปรุงการรักษาบาดแผลและฟื้นฟูในผู้ป่วยที่ขาดวิตามินดี
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