thank you your email and i really appreciate you respond and your nice picture in the gym yes i am married but right now am going through a divorce because my wife is a cheater she got boy friend and i got her in my bed with a boy friend and she was also a drug addict i have try to manage her for some many years but she still the same and i have decided to divorcee her before she will kill me before of my wealth and inheritances i have a friend who always advise me to look for asia woman and he told me that asia woman are the best because they respect man and also work very hard to make family grow very well i will like to build our relationship very strong and respect you and i love you and make sure you are the best for me i know we are not prefect and i also now that is only god prefect in life i really will like to take this our relationshio very serious and focus in together and i will bring you to usa to be with me and spend our life with me and my daughter she is 8 years now and very friendly