An activation email has now been sent to, please click the activation link in the email to activate this account
Please while you wait for the email to arrive check our terms of service, we specifically do NOT allow the following types of sites
File Lockers
Traffic Redirectors
Forex / Banking sites
URL Shortening services
Made for Adsense sites
Any Adult / Porn
Paid To Click Anything Illegal
The email sent was sent from
If you are using a free email provider, Please whitelist this email address using the instructions below :
To make sure the Journal is delivered to your Yahoo Inbox (not the Bulk Mail folder), simply instruct Yahoo to filter it to your Inbox. Here's how:
* First open your Yahoo e-mailbox. On the right hand side of your screen you will see "Mail Options." Left click on this. In the right hand column, under Management left click on "Filters." Then left click on "Add Filter."
* Since this filter concerns receiving mail from us, you can call this filter "Hosting." I suggest you type this in as the filter name.
* Underneath the heading "if all of the following rules are true ..." go to the top row labeled "From header." Next to this you will see drop down menu. Make sure to select "contains." Then simply type in
* At the bottom, where it says "Move the message to:" simply select Inbox from the pull-down menu. Then left click on the "Add Filter" button at the bottom and youโ€re done.
Hotmail and MSN
Do you use Hotmail or MSN? You can easily ensure email is delivered to your Inbox by adding our "From" address to your "Safe List."
Here's how to do this:
* First open your Hotmail of MSN e-mailbox. On the menu bar running across the top of your inbox you will see an item labeled "Options." It is the second last item to the right. Left click on "Options."
* In the new screen which opens, you will see a heading called "Mail Handling." Go down the page until you come to the item called "Safe List." Left click on this item.
* In the space provided, type in the e-mail address:, and then left click on the "Add" button,
When you see the address you entered in the Safe List box, left click on the button "OK." and youโ€re done.
If you're using AOL, you can ensure that the email is delivered to your Inbox by setting your Mail Controls. Here's how:
* Go to Keyword Mail Controls.
* Select the screen name you are using to receive the email.
* Left Click "Customize Mail Controls For This Screen Name."
For AOL version 7.0: In the section for "exclusion and inclusion parameters", include both of these domains:
For AOL Version 8.0: Select "Allow email from all AOL members, email addresses and domains."
* Left click on "Next" until the Save button shows up at the bottom.
* Left click on "Save."