Luis looks into the mirror and gently touches his face, only to flinch slightly. His eyes flick over to his friend Adam's reflection as he comes into the bathroom.
"Hey Luis, did you miss me?"
A smile flicks across Luis's face. "Man, I always miss you. It seems longer each time you're away."
Adam smiles. "Turn around, I want to see what I've been missing." Luis turns slowly, looking away. With a smile Adam ducks left and right to get a good look at his friend, then his smile fades as he looks Luis in the face. "Wh-- What happened?"
Luis turns away and looks at the deep purple bruise on this cheek in the mirror. "Nothing, it's OK, please don't worry about it, I don't want it to spoil what little time we have left."
Adam comes up close behind Luis, with a touch so light it makes him gasp. He had always loved Adam; they had been more than friends for longer than he could remember. A chill runs down Luis's back as his friend gently kisses his neck.