I have shared many internship experiences over the past 2 months with the zign hotel Two months without my close friend as a trainee with international marketing division at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya where is located on the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand, Chonburi province. It was a challenging experience.I want to become as much a part of the big organization as possible.
Why did you decide to be a trainee at hospital? Many people asked me about my decision.First of all, I ask myself that what I like and what I don’t like. I know about my own personality is appropriate for office works. I can immediately answer myself that I don’t like hotel works and sales because I don’t want to be like a housemaid when I worked at hotel and one is no reason to stand all day at work for sales. In my opinion money is not the first important. .Almost of my friends would like to be a trainee at hotel, so, I’m lack of thinking. I would like to be difference. After I know myself well enough, I started to find out my mind and finally I found one of the best organizations for me at that moment.I am shocked at how quickly these 2 months have flown by. I was very fortunate to find an international marketing division that was directly related to my program and also given the chance to work with an amazing team of individuals
I went toBangkok Hospital Pattaya to face a testand I finally passed. At that time, it made me so excited. All of trainees or applicants who are interested in hospital’s job have to make a test including general knowledge, reading comprehension, error or incomplete sentence and vocabulary. Listening test is the most difficult and also important items thananother part. I can remember one of questions what they asked me about Alien that make me getting little laughs. After that,HR manager told me about the rule of workingthere as a trainee with international marketing division.It was divided into two segments, domestic and overseas. I have to try to do and learn about the responsibilities of domestic segment marketing that are three to five stars hotel contacting, joining an international student activity, taking care of important Thai customers, children who have hearing problem from Father Ray Foundation and Orphan Foundation as we known Hand to Hand Foundation and comparing price for medical service with hospital’s competitor. By the way, overseas segment marketing is on the duty international patient’s service, hospital’s webmaster and document translation. These are scopes of work. My working day started from 8.00 a.m. until 17.00 p.m. I lived in a mansion where I was unable to cook my breakfast or dinner so I have to get up very early to finish up my individual activities to go to have breakfast before work time. After I got off work, 7-Eleven is the first choice of any convenience stores where I bought boil eggs every evening tocut my food cost because I don't have a lot of money
My internship experience has been very useful in increasing my English skills.My main objective and goal for this internship was to learn all about English skills, however, I think I was trained to improve the documents translation more than other skills. So, I know more now than I did before I started. In my certificate identified the liabilities that I used to do including document translation (Thai to English), international Patient’s service, e-mail correspondence, contact center and interpreter
I รรi
There were a lot of medical articles which waiting for me to translate to English version about 38 articlesnot included urgent article. I gained group of vocabularies about medical for example “pediatric” this word means child in normal, “discharge” have two meaning in medical, it means time to go home when the patient get well. One means body fluid as mucus, clear snot or greenish snot. My first document translation was named don’t let allergy turn into sinusitis, when I finished translation it was sent to head of oversea segment and Dr.IainCorness who are native speakers. If my translation work had mistaken they always told me about the corrected sentences and also given me the reason. Every times when I talked to Dr.IainCorness I was not confident and could not spoke English well but he tried to understand me and sometimes he tried to speak Thai with me. I always had to contact with International Service Division for sending magazine or brochures, so I need to talk English with some interpreter every times. Japanese interpreters, Russianinterpreters and a trainee from Chulalongkorn University were good friends for me. Mr. Neil Maniquiz is an Inter MKT’s manager, he is Singaporean and so kind. My colleague also come from many country such as Russia, China, and Singapore. Most of people are Singaporean. They are excellent at English skills; they taught me how to pronounce some difficult word too. When I saw their English ability,Thai peoplewere unemployed because English skills of neighbouring countries are excellent than us that is one idea popped into my head.
As a trainee, sometimes I was also had a chance in challenging to be an interpreters needed for the doctor when he/she cannot catch the word that the patient talked to him/her, only in case of the real interpreters not available. Before the doctor went to outdoor activities at someplace, he/she had to prepare the information that he/she want to discourse with expats club. First of all, he/she sent Thai article to me to translate into English version. I think it’s so difficult because I have to paraphrase the normal word into academic sentence. Moreover, I had a chance to see listening and speaking skills of Chinese and French interpreter when they wereworking with VIP patientsat the conference room. I was so proud when my translation work has been uploaded on hospital’s website. I’m glad to accept the suggestions from others because I believed that mistakes are life’s way of teaching me. So, I have learned so much from my mistakes. I feel that this internship has prepared me for the real world and bridged the gap between attending college and entering the workforce. Many students do not get the opportunity to work in a professional atmosphere while in university. Most students only experience part time jobs that do not require much thought and only experience a daily routine.Working in a professional atmosphere is much different from any part time job I have ever had and is a new experience every day. In a professional atmosphere my boss is not constantly looking over my shoulder. I’m pretty much on my own for the day and have to outline my own tasks that need to be accomplished in that day. I have also learned in the real world that my boss is only going to tell me to do something once. He will not remind me every day that I have a test on Friday.
My suggestion for English program’s junior who would like to joint with Bangkok Hospital Pattaya or hospital network, first of all, they have to prepare their resume and related documents. Hospital’s recruitment center also prepares the test for them. The test is divided into two main parts; the first part is grammar, incomplete sentence, vocabulary and general knowledge. The second part is listening test. If they are interested in international service division, the interpreter’s experiences are waiting for them. The important thing is excellent English skill, they have to improve themselves before going to internship in every organization.
Be above all, l have learned aim of internship is not only modified knowledge in the field of English but it’s areadiness and patience test before entering to face actual works.An internship may seem intimidating, but it is important to examine my interests in depth so thatI can be confident in all of your abilities. As I develop my career path, remember to be myself and let my natural light shine. Seek out opportunities that reflect what I care about and want to pursue. Most importantly, I need to have fun.
ฉันได้ร่วมประสบการณ์ฝึกงานในช่วง 2 เดือนที่ผ่านมาโรงแรมเดอะซายน์สองเดือน โดยไม่มีเพื่อนปิดใต้ถุนบ้านกับฝ่ายการตลาดนานาชาติที่โรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพพัทยาซึ่งตั้งอยู่ในอีสเทิร์นซีบอร์ดของไทย จังหวัดชลบุรี มันเป็นประสบการณ์ที่ท้าทาย อยากเป็น มากที่สุดเป็นส่วนหนึ่งขององค์กรขนาดใหญ่ที่สุด ทำไมไม่ได้คุณจึงจะสามารถฝึกงานที่โรงพยาบาล หลายคนถามผมเกี่ยวกับการตัดสินใจของฉัน ครั้งแรกของทั้งหมด ผมถามตัวเองว่า สิ่งที่เราชอบ และสิ่งที่ฉันไม่ชอบ ฉันรู้เกี่ยวกับบุคลิกของตัวเองเหมาะสำหรับสำนักงาน ฉันทันทีสามารถตอบตัวเองที่ไม่เหมือนโรงแรมที่ทำงาน และเป็นเหตุผลที่ต้องยืนทั้งวันที่ทำงานสำหรับการขายขายเนื่องจากไม่ต้องการได้เช่นเป็น housemaid เมื่อฉันทำงานที่โรงแรมและหนึ่ง ในความคิดของฉัน เพราะเงินไม่ใช่ครั้งแรกที่สำคัญ . เกือบของเพื่อนอยากจะฝึกงานที่โรงแรม ดังนั้น ผมขาดความคิด อยากจะมีความแตกต่าง หลังจากที่ฉันรู้จักตัวเองดีพอ ฉันเริ่มที่จะค้นหาความคิด และสุดท้าย พบหนึ่งในองค์กรที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับฉันในขณะนั้น ผมตกใจที่ความเร็วเหล่านี้ 2 เดือนได้บินโดย ผมโชคดีที่ฝ่ายการตลาดนานาชาติที่เกี่ยวข้องโดยตรงกับโปรแกรมของฉัน และยัง ได้รับโอกาสในการทำงานกับคณะบุคคลที่น่า ค้นหาโรงพยาบาล toBangkok พัทยาเจอะ testand ที่ส่งผ่านไปในที่สุดก็ไป ในขณะนั้น มันทำให้ฉันตื่นเต้นมาก ผู้ฝึกหรือผู้สมัครที่มีความสนใจในงานของโรงพยาบาลทั้งหมดจะต้องทำการทดสอบรวมถึงความรู้ทั่วไป การอ่านทำความเข้าใจ ข้อผิดพลาด หรือไม่สมบูรณ์ประโยค และคำศัพท์ ทดสอบฟังได้ยากที่สุด และรายการสำคัญส่วน thananother ฉันสามารถจำหนึ่งคำถามอะไรจะถามเกี่ยวกับคนต่างด้าวที่ทำให้ฉันหัวเราะเล็กน้อยรับ หลังจากนั้น ผู้จัดการฝ่าย HR บอกฉันเกี่ยวกับกฎของ workingthere ใต้ถุนบ้านกับฝ่ายการตลาดต่างประเทศ จะถูกแบ่งออกเป็นสองส่วน ในประเทศ และต่างประเทศ ผมได้ลองทำ และเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับความรับผิดชอบของส่วนภายในประเทศการตลาดว่า มีสามถึงห้าดาวโรงแรมติดต่อ เข้าร่วมกิจกรรมศึกษา ดูแลลูกค้าไทยสำคัญ เด็กมีปัญหาฟังจากมูลนิธิคุณพ่อเรย์และมูลนิธิเด็กกำพร้าเป็นเรารู้จักมือ-มือและเปรียบเทียบราคาสำหรับบริการทางการแพทย์กับโรงพยาบาลคู่แข่ง โดยวิธีการ การตลาดต่างประเทศส่วนอยู่หน้าที่นานาชาติของผู้ป่วย เว็บมาสเตอร์ของโรงพยาบาล และบริการแปลเอกสาร นี่คือขอบเขตของงาน วันทำงานของฉันเริ่มต้นจากเวลา 8.00 น.จนถึง 17.00 น. ฉันอาศัยอยู่ในแมนชั่นที่ผมไม่สามารถทำอาหารเช้าหรืออาหารมื้อเย็นของฉันดังนั้นฉันจะลุกขึ้นมากก่อนจะจบกิจกรรมแต่ละกิจกรรมของฉันไปรับประทานอาหารเช้าก่อนเวลาทำงาน หลังจากผมออกงาน เซเว่นอีเลฟเว่นเป็นตัวเลือกแรก ๆ ของร้านใด ๆ ที่ฉันซื้อไข่ต้ม tocut ทุกเย็นต้นทุนอาหารของฉัน เพราะฉันไม่มีเงินจำนวนมากประสบการณ์ฝึกงานได้รับประโยชน์อย่างมากในการเพิ่มทักษะภาษาอังกฤษของฉัน วัตถุประสงค์หลักและเป้าหมายสำหรับโครงการฝึกงานนี้ฉันได้เรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับทักษะภาษาอังกฤษทั้งหมด อย่างไรก็ตาม ฉันคิดว่า ฉันได้รับการฝึกอบรมเพื่อปรับปรุงการแปลเอกสารมากกว่าทักษะอื่น ๆ ดังนั้น ฉันรู้เพิ่มเติมตอนนี้กว่าผมก่อน ผมเริ่ม ในใบรับรองของฉันระบุหนี้สินที่เคยทำรวมทั้งแปลเอกสาร (ภาษาไทยเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ), บริการผู้ป่วยนานาชาติ โต้ตอบอีเมล์ ติดต่อศูนย์ และล่าม ฉัน รรiThere were a lot of medical articles which waiting for me to translate to English version about 38 articlesnot included urgent article. I gained group of vocabularies about medical for example “pediatric” this word means child in normal, “discharge” have two meaning in medical, it means time to go home when the patient get well. One means body fluid as mucus, clear snot or greenish snot. My first document translation was named don’t let allergy turn into sinusitis, when I finished translation it was sent to head of oversea segment and Dr.IainCorness who are native speakers. If my translation work had mistaken they always told me about the corrected sentences and also given me the reason. Every times when I talked to Dr.IainCorness I was not confident and could not spoke English well but he tried to understand me and sometimes he tried to speak Thai with me. I always had to contact with International Service Division for sending magazine or brochures, so I need to talk English with some interpreter every times. Japanese interpreters, Russianinterpreters and a trainee from Chulalongkorn University were good friends for me. Mr. Neil Maniquiz is an Inter MKT’s manager, he is Singaporean and so kind. My colleague also come from many country such as Russia, China, and Singapore. Most of people are Singaporean. They are excellent at English skills; they taught me how to pronounce some difficult word too. When I saw their English ability,Thai peoplewere unemployed because English skills of neighbouring countries are excellent than us that is one idea popped into my head.As a trainee, sometimes I was also had a chance in challenging to be an interpreters needed for the doctor when he/she cannot catch the word that the patient talked to him/her, only in case of the real interpreters not available. Before the doctor went to outdoor activities at someplace, he/she had to prepare the information that he/she want to discourse with expats club. First of all, he/she sent Thai article to me to translate into English version. I think it’s so difficult because I have to paraphrase the normal word into academic sentence. Moreover, I had a chance to see listening and speaking skills of Chinese and French interpreter when they wereworking with VIP patientsat the conference room. I was so proud when my translation work has been uploaded on hospital’s website. I’m glad to accept the suggestions from others because I believed that mistakes are life’s way of teaching me. So, I have learned so much from my mistakes. I feel that this internship has prepared me for the real world and bridged the gap between attending college and entering the workforce. Many students do not get the opportunity to work in a professional atmosphere while in university. Most students only experience part time jobs that do not require much thought and only experience a daily routine.Working in a professional atmosphere is much different from any part time job I have ever had and is a new experience every day. In a professional atmosphere my boss is not constantly looking over my shoulder. I’m pretty much on my own for the day and have to outline my own tasks that need to be accomplished in that day. I have also learned in the real world that my boss is only going to tell me to do something once. He will not remind me every day that I have a test on Friday.My suggestion for English program’s junior who would like to joint with Bangkok Hospital Pattaya or hospital network, first of all, they have to prepare their resume and related documents. Hospital’s recruitment center also prepares the test for them. The test is divided into two main parts; the first part is grammar, incomplete sentence, vocabulary and general knowledge. The second part is listening test. If they are interested in international service division, the interpreter’s experiences are waiting for them. The important thing is excellent English skill, they have to improve themselves before going to internship in every organization.Be above all, l have learned aim of internship is not only modified knowledge in the field of English but it’s areadiness and patience test before entering to face actual works.An internship may seem intimidating, but it is important to examine my interests in depth so thatI can be confident in all of your abilities. As I develop my career path, remember to be myself and let my natural light shine. Seek out opportunities that reflect what I care about and want to pursue. Most importantly, I need to have fun.
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