Utilizing advances in functional neuroimaging and computational neural modeling, neuroscientists have increasingly sought to investigate
how distributed networks, composed of functionally defined subregions, combine to produce cognition. Large-scale, biologically
realistic neural models, which integrate data from cellular, regional, whole brain, and behavioral sources, delineate specific hypotheses
about how these interacting neural populations might carry out high-level cognitive tasks. In this review, we discuss neuroimaging, neural
modeling, and the utility of large-scale biologically realistic models using modeling of short-term memory as an example. We present a
sketch of the data regarding the neural basis of short-term memory from non-human electrophysiological, computational and neuroimaging
perspectives, highlighting the multiple interacting brain regions believed to be involved. Through a review of several efforts, including
our own, to combine neural modeling and neuroimaging data, we argue that large scale neural models provide specific advantages in
understanding the distributed networks underlying cognition and behavior.