The ALRM illustrates the attributes of Character,Presence, and Intellect, and the competencies of Leads,Develops, and Achieves, which describe what an Army leader is and what a leader does. The Army leader must be values-based and act in the best interest of the Nation (Department of the Army, 2012a). Furthermore,the Army defines leadership as “the process of influencing others by providing purpose, direction andmotivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization” (Department of the Army, 2012a, p. 1-1).According to the Army’s definition of leadership, a leader must possess an awareness of self, others, andthe operating environment to build personal andorganizational capacity to influence beyond positional authority. Engaging in behaviors that build such relationships leads to organizational success. Awareness of how one’s behaviors influence others is paramount to leadership and serves as a foundational learning
outcome in the courses at AMSC