Hey, everyone just calls me Lex. It's a pleasure to meet you. My story การแปล - Hey, everyone just calls me Lex. It's a pleasure to meet you. My story ไทย วิธีการพูด

Hey, everyone just calls me Lex. It

Hey, everyone just calls me Lex. It's a pleasure to meet you. My story starts 21 years ago when Zack Baker and Matt Sanders were on a camping trip together. Matt was the cabin supervisor and Zack the camper. Matt was 20 at the time and Zack 19. They were asleep in the bunk beds when Matt woke to extreme pain in his abdomen. He screamed and accidentally woke Zack. He sent Zack to get the camp director Luke as Matt suffered in pain.

Zack returned with Luke. Matt was asked random yet imperative questions and learned he was pregnant and delivering a baby. After 6 agonizing hours of labor Matt delivered a little girl named Kameron Rose Sanders. The birth of Kameron or Kammie as she is called brings Matt and Zack closer together. As Kammie grew so did the love that Matt and Zack shared.

When Kammie was 4 years old Matt had another baby, a little boy named Alexander Anthony Baker. Then something else happened. When Kammie was 6 she was rushed to the hospital for a broken leg. Now you have to understand that Kammie acts like a mother to Alex; both Zack and Matt allow it. Well she always feeds him and takes care of him like a mother does to her baby. Kammie was upset that she wouldn't be able to care for Alex like she always does. Zack crossed the line and called her something that I will not repeat but will say it was bad, I vaguely remember that day. But Matt told Zack to leave and never come back. He also told Zack that he could keep the ring; they had been married for 5 years...and one thing broke them apart.

Little Alex was upset; he didn't want his daddy to leave. He hated everyone for the next year or so. Then when Kammie was 9 and Alex was 5 they got a surprise on Christmas morning. Both kids ran downstairs to find a big doll under the tree that looked like Zack. Kammie screamed when the 'doll' pulled her close and kissed her. Alex noticed right away that the doll was his daddy and he pounced on Zack hugging him tight.

Later that afternoon Zack's present for everyone arrived. Zack walked into the yard as everyone waited in the house. He returned 5 minutes later holding a two year old little girl in his arms. Zack told everyone that her name is Madilynn Marie; he called her Maddie and said that she was born May 23. He said she is the baby sister of Kameron and Alex.

Matt was stunned at the sight of his daughter. He walked over and slowly reaches a hand out to her. Matt noticed she had his eyes and facial structure. He smiled and kissed Zack hard. Then came the moment that Maddie met her brother and sister. There was a moment of Kammie saying that Maddie was not her sister. It took Zack talking to Kammie a while before Maddie was accepted into her world.

Three months later Maddie wakes Zack at 12 AM saying she hears a monster. She screamed in fear as she hears the monster again. Zack noticed the monster was actually Matt screaming in pain. Zack left Maddie on his bed and ran to Matt's room to see what was wrong. He found Matt in labor with a baby he didn't father. It seems Matt was raped in his own home while his children slept in their beds. After a few hours he delivered a baby boy he named Pistol.

A year later Kammie, Alex, and Maddie were playing on the trampoline in the yard when Maddie fell off breaking her arm. Kammie tried to get off to help Maddie when he leg got caught and she fell to the ground her leg stuck around the metal bar and her head hit the leg knocking her unconscious. Maddie got a cast and Kammie was taken care of until she was healed completely.

Then 2 years after pistol was born Zack was pregnant with twins. Kameron was already 11, Alex was 7, Maddie was 5, and Pistol was 6. They named the twins Marc and Mara.

Now we get to the important part of the story. You see this story is about me, Alex Sanders. And what happened to me when I was 18. I was dating this hot guy named Rayne Cordova. Well one day it was time for school but I stayed home cause I didn't feel too well. I was in the bathroom barfing when Kammie walks in and acts all motherly as always. She was already sick that day too. She had massive headaches on occasion ever since the accident on the trampoline when we were kids.

She being the motherly fashion sent me to relax in bed. I didn't even know til later that night when mom got home that she was passed out in the bathroom because I had fallen asleep in bed and slept all day. Later mom woke me telling me to keep an eye on the other kids til dad got home. After mom had been gone for an hour on a whim I took 3 pregnancy tests that were all positive. I immediately called mom and told him the news. He was ecstatic of course about being a grandmother. I went to relax in my room after the call before the younger kids got home.

Well I woke to a shock when my mattress was flipped with me in it. On my way to the floor I tried to change how I would land so that I wouldn't hurt the baby inside. I glared up at my father. "What the hell?!? I am pregnant! Don't do that to me ever again."

"Mind telling me why you didn't take care of your younger siblings or tell me to call your mother cause Kammie is in the hospital? The younger kids ransacked the house and are now on a sugar high which I now have to handle. So thank you very much." I just glared at him as I stood with my hand over my still flat belly. "Don't stare at me like that or I will make sure you're grounded. Now go get the younger kids into the car. We're gonna go see your sister."

I sighed and did as he told. I wanted to drive but he forbid it. I sat in the back with Maddie and the other brats. We got to the hospital and found out Kammie had a brain hemorrhage. It was fixed but she was unconscious still from the anesthesia they put her under. Mom hugged me immediately when he saw me. After he released me I sat on the floor by the chairs leaning against the wall with my eyes glued to my big sisters bed.

When I heard her starting to come too I was sitting guard alone as mom dad and the brats went to the cafeteria. I stood slowly and went to her bedside. "Hey you, no one told you to have a brain hemorrhage. How do you feel?"


I laughed. "So I gotta tell you something that everyone but you knows cause you were unconscious." I lifted my shirt to show my own version of a baby on board t shirt that I had drawn on my stomach with marker. She looked at my eyes with shock. "Before you ask I am really pregnant. I am about a month. Mom got me an appointment in a week."

Kameron nodded. "Are you excited little brother?" I smiled. "Good. I always thought that I would get pregnant first seeing as I am older but eh, shit happens." She sat up more on her bed. "When you go for your ultrasound I wanna be there." I nodded. "Are you just gonna nod and smile for each answer?"

I laughed. "When I can express my feelings in words I would. I am like over the moon about the baby." I sat by her side. "But I know that you and the rest of the family will help me care for this baby." she nodded and we talked continuously. She went home a few days later once they were sure the danger of hemorrhage was gone.

When I was 3 months pregnant I had my heart broken. I walked into school with my head held high and a hand on my stomach through the pocket of my hoodie. I met my boyfriend and the father of my baby Rayne at his locker. I kissed him passionately and wrapped my arms around him. "Hey Rayne. How are you doing today?"

"Better now that you're here." I smiled. "So why are you glowing the past few weeks?"

I smiled. "Well I have news for you." I kissed him again. I put my head by his ear. "I'm pregnant." I whispered. He pushed me away. "Rayne, what's wrong?"

"You little bastard! You told me you were on birth control!" He was fuming with anger.

"I was; it failed. Forgive me for the 1% failure rate." I glared back at him. "What is the problem of having a baby?!"

"Cause I don't want kids, ever! Now either get rid of it or never talk to me again!" I was shocked he even said that. I can't kill my baby! I gave him a hearty right hook to his jaw. I heard him falling as I walked away. School hadn't even started yet so I walked out, went back to my car, and drove home. I got home and immediately ran to my room crying.

I heard someone knock on my door but ignored it. Next thing I know a hand touched my arm. I looked at the hand and followed up the arm til I saw the face. I looked at my dad. I sat up and put my arms around him as I cried. "Hey don't you belong in school?" I said nothing. "What's wrong Lex? Talk to me, what happened?"

"ItoldRayneaboutthebaby." I said in one breath before the sobbing continued. Dad rubbed my back encouraging me to go on. "Hetoldmetogetridofitortoleavehimalonepermanently." I cried into my father's chest. "Ican'tkillmybaby!Iwon'tdoit!"
"Alright Alex, relax no one will make you get rid of the baby. It's gonna be ok. If he has that point of view than he is a jerk who deserves to be hit by a train." I sniffled and laughed silently. "There see, it's gonna be ok Alex. How about you take a nap and I'll call you in sick ok?" I nodded and he helped me lay on the bed. I smiled as he covered me up and snuggled into the blankets.

I woke later to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes a crack to see my younger brother Marc standing there looking all scared. "What's wrong Marc?" I sat up in bed. "Talk to me, what's bothering you kiddo?"

He climbed up onto my bed and leaned on my side. "Where is daddy?" I sighed knowing he meant mom. You see to me, Kammie and pistol dad is classified as Zack and mom is classified as Matt. But to Mara, Marc, and Maddie mom is Zack and dad is Matt. "Why isn't daddy home yet Alex?"

I hugged him close. "Don't worry Marc, he always comes home. You know that, if you want you can call him on my phone ok?" Marc nodded and I grabbed my phone off my desk and called mom. "Hey mom, I got someone here who wants to talk to you. They miss you." I nodded and handed Marc the phone. "Here you g
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ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 1: [สำเนา]
เฮ้ ทุกคนเพียงแค่เรียกผมเล็กซ์ทัวร์ มันเป็นความสุขเพื่อตอบสนองคุณ เรื่องราวเริ่มต้นเมื่อ 21 ปีที่ผ่านมาเมื่อเบเกอร์แซคและแซนเดอร์ส์แมตต์ได้เที่ยวแคมปิ้งกัน แมตต์เป็นผู้ควบคุมห้องโดยสารและแซคที่ออกค่าย แมตต์ได้ 20 ครั้งและแซค 19 พวกเขาได้หลับในเตียงสองชั้นเมื่อแมตต์ตื่นปวดมากในช่องท้องของเขา เขากรีดร้อง และตั้งใจตื่นแซค เขาส่งแซคเข้ากรรมการค่ายลูกาเป็นแมตต์ทุกข์ทรมานในความเจ็บปวด แซคกลับมาลูกา สำหรับคำถามแบบสุ่ม แต่ความจำเป็น และรู้กำลังตั้งครรภ์ และการส่งมอบทารก หลังจาก 6 ชั่วโมงเจ็บของแรงงาน แมตต์ส่งสาวน้อยชื่อแซนเดอร์ส์ Kameron โรส เกิด Kameron หรือ Kammie เธอเรียกว่านำแมตต์และแซคใกล้กัน เป็น Kammie เพิ่มขึ้น เพื่อให้ ได้รักนั้นแมตต์ และแซคร่วม เมื่อ Kammie สนิทเดิมมีเด็กอีก 4 ปี ชายชื่ออเล็กซานเดอร์ Anthony เบเกอร์ แล้วสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้น เมื่อ Kammie 6 เธอถูกวิ่งโรงพยาบาลขาหัก ตอนนี้ คุณต้องเข้าใจว่า Kammie ทำหน้าที่เหมือนแม่กับ Alex แซคและแมตต์ให้มัน ดีเธอเสมอฟีดเขา และดูแลเขาเหมือนแม่ที่มีต่อบุตร Kammie ถูกอารมณ์เสียว่าเธอไม่สามารถดูแล Alex เหมือนเธอจะไม่ แซคข้ามบรรทัด และเรียกว่าเธอสิ่งที่ฉันจะทำซ้ำ แต่จะว่า ไม่ดี ฉันคล้ายวันที่ แต่แมตต์บอกแซคออก และไม่กลับมา เขายังบอกแซคที่ เขาสามารถเก็บแหวน พวกเขาได้แต่งงานปีที่ 5... และสิ่งหนึ่งที่ยากจนพวกเขาออกจากกัน Alex น้อยไม่พอใจ เขาไม่ต้องการพ่อของเขาไป เขาเกลียดชังทุกคนสำหรับปีถัดไป แล้ว เมื่อ Kammie ได้ 9 และ Alex ถูก 5 พวกเขามีความประหลาดใจในเช้าวันคริสต์มาส เด็กทั้งสองวิ่งลงบันไดหาตุ๊กตาใหญ่ภายใต้ต้นไม้ที่ดูเหมือนแซค Kammie กรีดร้องเมื่อ 'ตุ๊กตา' ดึงเธอปิด และรั้งเธอ Alex สังเกตเห็นทันทีว่า ตุ๊กตาพ่อของเขา และเขา pounced ในแซคกอดเขาแน่น หลังจากนั้นช่วงบ่ายแซคของปัจจุบันสำหรับทุกคนมาถึง แซคเดินเข้าไปในลานเป็นคนรอในบ้าน เขากลับ 5 นาทีภายหลังจับสาวน้อยอายุสองปีในแผ่นดินของเขา แซคบอกทุกคนว่าเธอชื่อ Madilynn Marie เขาเรียกว่าดีเจแมดดี้ของเธอ และกล่าวว่า เธอเกิดวันที่ 23 พฤษภาคม เขากล่าวว่า เธอเป็นน้องสาวเด็ก Kameron และ Alex แมตต์ตกตะลึงไปในสายตาของลูกสาวของเขาได้ เขาเดินผ่าน และถึงมือช้าออกไปเธอ แมตต์สังเกตเห็นเธอมีตาและโครงสร้างใบหน้าของเขา เขายิ้ม และรั้งหนักแซค แล้ว มาตอนนี้ดีเจแมดดี้ตามพี่ชายและน้องสาวของเธอ มีช่วงเวลาของ Kammie บอกว่า ดีเจแมดดี้ไม่น้อง ใช้พูดคุยในขณะก่อนดีเจแมดดี้เป็นที่ยอมรับในโลกของเธอ Kammie แซค Three months later Maddie wakes Zack at 12 AM saying she hears a monster. She screamed in fear as she hears the monster again. Zack noticed the monster was actually Matt screaming in pain. Zack left Maddie on his bed and ran to Matt's room to see what was wrong. He found Matt in labor with a baby he didn't father. It seems Matt was raped in his own home while his children slept in their beds. After a few hours he delivered a baby boy he named Pistol. A year later Kammie, Alex, and Maddie were playing on the trampoline in the yard when Maddie fell off breaking her arm. Kammie tried to get off to help Maddie when he leg got caught and she fell to the ground her leg stuck around the metal bar and her head hit the leg knocking her unconscious. Maddie got a cast and Kammie was taken care of until she was healed completely.Then 2 years after pistol was born Zack was pregnant with twins. Kameron was already 11, Alex was 7, Maddie was 5, and Pistol was 6. They named the twins Marc and Mara.Now we get to the important part of the story. You see this story is about me, Alex Sanders. And what happened to me when I was 18. I was dating this hot guy named Rayne Cordova. Well one day it was time for school but I stayed home cause I didn't feel too well. I was in the bathroom barfing when Kammie walks in and acts all motherly as always. She was already sick that day too. She had massive headaches on occasion ever since the accident on the trampoline when we were kids. She being the motherly fashion sent me to relax in bed. I didn't even know til later that night when mom got home that she was passed out in the bathroom because I had fallen asleep in bed and slept all day. Later mom woke me telling me to keep an eye on the other kids til dad got home. After mom had been gone for an hour on a whim I took 3 pregnancy tests that were all positive. I immediately called mom and told him the news. He was ecstatic of course about being a grandmother. I went to relax in my room after the call before the younger kids got home. Well I woke to a shock when my mattress was flipped with me in it. On my way to the floor I tried to change how I would land so that I wouldn't hurt the baby inside. I glared up at my father. "What the hell?!? I am pregnant! Don't do that to me ever again." "Mind telling me why you didn't take care of your younger siblings or tell me to call your mother cause Kammie is in the hospital? The younger kids ransacked the house and are now on a sugar high which I now have to handle. So thank you very much." I just glared at him as I stood with my hand over my still flat belly. "Don't stare at me like that or I will make sure you're grounded. Now go get the younger kids into the car. We're gonna go see your sister."I sighed and did as he told. I wanted to drive but he forbid it. I sat in the back with Maddie and the other brats. We got to the hospital and found out Kammie had a brain hemorrhage. It was fixed but she was unconscious still from the anesthesia they put her under. Mom hugged me immediately when he saw me. After he released me I sat on the floor by the chairs leaning against the wall with my eyes glued to my big sisters bed. When I heard her starting to come too I was sitting guard alone as mom dad and the brats went to the cafeteria. I stood slowly and went to her bedside. "Hey you, no one told you to have a brain hemorrhage. How do you feel?""Alive."I laughed. "So I gotta tell you something that everyone but you knows cause you were unconscious." I lifted my shirt to show my own version of a baby on board t shirt that I had drawn on my stomach with marker. She looked at my eyes with shock. "Before you ask I am really pregnant. I am about a month. Mom got me an appointment in a week." Kameron nodded. "Are you excited little brother?" I smiled. "Good. I always thought that I would get pregnant first seeing as I am older but eh, shit happens." She sat up more on her bed. "When you go for your ultrasound I wanna be there." I nodded. "Are you just gonna nod and smile for each answer?"I laughed. "When I can express my feelings in words I would. I am like over the moon about the baby." I sat by her side. "But I know that you and the rest of the family will help me care for this baby." she nodded and we talked continuously. She went home a few days later once they were sure the danger of hemorrhage was gone. When I was 3 months pregnant I had my heart broken. I walked into school with my head held high and a hand on my stomach through the pocket of my hoodie. I met my boyfriend and the father of my baby Rayne at his locker. I kissed him passionately and wrapped my arms around him. "Hey Rayne. How are you doing today?""Better now that you're here." I smiled. "So why are you glowing the past few weeks?"I smiled. "Well I have news for you." I kissed him again. I put my head by his ear. "I'm pregnant." I whispered. He pushed me away. "Rayne, what's wrong?""You little bastard! You told me you were on birth control!" He was fuming with anger. "I was; it failed. Forgive me for the 1% failure rate." I glared back at him. "What is the problem of having a baby?!""Cause I don't want kids, ever! Now either get rid of it or never talk to me again!" I was shocked he even said that. I can't kill my baby! I gave him a hearty right hook to his jaw. I heard him falling as I walked away. School hadn't even started yet so I walked out, went back to my car, and drove home. I got home and immediately ran to my room crying. I heard someone knock on my door but ignored it. Next thing I know a hand touched my arm. I looked at the hand and followed up the arm til I saw the face. I looked at my dad. I sat up and put my arms around him as I cried. "Hey don't you belong in school?" I said nothing. "What's wrong Lex? Talk to me, what happened?" "ItoldRayneaboutthebaby." I said in one breath before the sobbing continued. Dad rubbed my back encouraging me to go on. "Hetoldmetogetridofitortoleavehimalonepermanently." I cried into my father's chest. "Ican'tkillmybaby!Iwon'tdoit!" "Alright Alex, relax no one will make you get rid of the baby. It's gonna be ok. If he has that point of view than he is a jerk who deserves to be hit by a train." I sniffled and laughed silently. "There see, it's gonna be ok Alex. How about you take a nap and I'll call you in sick ok?" I nodded and he helped me lay on the bed. I smiled as he covered me up and snuggled into the blankets. I woke later to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes a crack to see my younger brother Marc standing there looking all scared. "What's wrong Marc?" I sat up in bed. "Talk to me, what's bothering you kiddo?" He climbed up onto my bed and leaned on my side. "Where is daddy?" I sighed knowing he meant mom. You see to me, Kammie and pistol dad is classified as Zack and mom is classified as Matt. But to Mara, Marc, and Maddie mom is Zack and dad is Matt. "Why isn't daddy home yet Alex?" I hugged him close. "Don't worry Marc, he always comes home. You know that, if you want you can call him on my phone ok?" Marc nodded and I grabbed my phone off my desk and called mom. "Hey mom, I got someone here who wants to talk to you. They miss you." I nodded and handed Marc the phone. "Here you g
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 3:[สำเนา]
เฮ้ ทุกคนเรียกฉัน เล็กซ์ ดีใจที่ได้พบคุณ เริ่มต้นเรื่องราวของฉัน 21 ปีที่ผ่านมาเมื่อแซ็ค เบเกอร์ และ แม็ท แซนเดอร์กำลังตั้งแคมป์ด้วยกัน แมทเป็นผู้ควบคุม และ แซ็ค โดยสารรถ แมทเป็น 20 ในเวลา 19 แซ็ค พวกเขาหลับอยู่ในเตียงสองชั้นเมื่อแมตต์ ตื่นมาปวดรุนแรงในช่องท้องของเขา เขาร้องออกมาและบังเอิญตื่น แซคเขาส่งแซ็คได้ผู้กำกับค่ายลุคเป็น Matt ได้รับความเจ็บปวด

แซคกลับมากับลุค แมทก็ถามคำถามแบบสุ่มยังขวางและได้เรียนรู้เขากำลังตั้งครรภ์และคลอด หลังจาก 6 ชั่วโมงแห่งความทรมานของแรงงานแมทส่งสาวน้อยที่ชื่อ kameron กุหลาบ แซนเดอร์ วันเกิดของ kameron หรือ kammie เธอเรียกว่ามาแมทกับแซค ใกล้ชิดกันมากขึ้นเป็น kammie เติบโตแล้วความรักที่แมทกับแซคแบ่งปัน

เมื่อ kammie อายุ 4 ขวบ แมท มีทารกอื่น เด็กชายตัวน้อยที่ชื่อ อเล็กซานเดอร์ แอนโทนี่ เบเกอร์ เมื่อมีบางสิ่งเกิดขึ้น เมื่อ kammie 6 เธอรีบไปโรงพยาบาลเพื่อขาที่หัก ตอนนี้คุณต้องเข้าใจว่า kammie ทำหน้าที่เหมือนแม่ของอเล็กซ์ ทั้งแซค และ แมท อนุญาตอืมเธอป้อนอาหารให้เขา และดูแลเขาเหมือนแม่ที่ทำเพื่อลูกของเธอ kammie อารมณ์เสียที่เธอไม่สามารถดูแลอเล็กซ์เหมือนทุกครั้ง แซค ล้ำเส้น และเรียกเธอว่า สิ่ง ที่ ฉัน จะไม่ซ้ำ แต่จะบอกว่ามันแย่มาก ผมคลับคล้ายคลับคลาว่า วัน แต่แมทบอกแซคออกไปและไม่เคยกลับมา เขายังบอกแซคว่า เขาจะให้แหวน ;พวกเขาแต่งงานกันมา 5 ปี . . . . . . . และสิ่งหนึ่งที่ทำลายพวกเขาออกจากกัน

น้อย อเล็กซ์ อารมณ์เสีย เขาไม่อยากให้พ่อไป เขาเกลียดทุกคน สำหรับในปีหน้าหรือดังนั้น เมื่อ kammie 9 และอเล็กซ์ 5 มีความประหลาดใจในเช้าวันคริสต์มาส เด็กทั้งสองวิ่งลงไปที่ชั้นล่างเพื่อหาตุ๊กตาตัวใหญ่ใต้ต้นไม้ที่ดูเหมือนแซ็ค kammie กรีดร้องเมื่อ ' ตุ๊กตา ' ดึงปิดของเธอและจูบเธอ
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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