Compensation level, salary range (band), how to calculate salary increase/ bonus, degree of seniority/ pay-for-performance
■Since there is no salary range by grade/ position, employees who are in lower position/ having longer service year exceeds who are in higher position/ shorter service year in amount of salary
3.Recognition of Current Challenges
Type of appraisal system (qualitative, quantitative), appraisal criteria, reflection in working conditions, adjustment process of appraisal result
■Need to clarify definition of each grade and reflect expectation from the company in evaluation criteria
■As a past countermeasure for OT refusal, increased large number of outsourcing workers. However, it was not effective, because outsourcing workers joined OT refusal as well. Therefore, currently there are a lot of surplus workers
→Need to reduce outsourcing workers in aligned with company's performance. However, it is
difficult to reduce because of opposition from union