Postoperative complications and their management In 19 of the 33 SH cases, we reported no complication during this healing period. In six cases, minor complications occurred, such as small dehiscence of the suture line and/or hematoma. In five patients, a severe early septic complication led to an immediate new cleaning surgical procedure, and in three patients, remaining chronic sepsis within the first 6 postoperative months required a second delayed surgery. At discharge from the PRM department, the wound was always completely healed (Figure 5) and all the patients were able to sit in their wheelchairs with dangling hips. The quality of the patient’s position on his cushion was drastically evaluated and corrected. The mean length of stay in the hospital was 9.05 months (1.5–33; s.d.=2.8). The longest stays were due to the most severe complications and/or multiple surgical procedures, but even after exclusion of the 12 stays longer than 9 months, the mean length of hospitalization remained 6.1 months.