Green tea.
Green tea is a drink that is one of the healthy foods that have a lot of interest in this era. With delicious taste and variety. Cheerful and can be consumed at any time. The green tea is also beneficial to our body in many different aspects.
In my opinion, drinking green tea is advantageous because it contains anti- oxidant, drinking green tea can reduce the risk of many diseases and we should learn to how to drink it properly.
First, it con tains anti-oxidant. Green tea is more common antioxidants. Because green tea is classified as a super anti-oxidant (Super Antioxidant) because it is more powerful than antioxidants in general. The key ingredient in green tea is a natural substance that is poly-phenols. (Polyphenol) is a powerful antioxidant. The Poly-phenols is the essence of green tea differs from black tea. Because black tea goes through a process of drying heat sensitive material away Before we get to drink. But we'll caffeine instead. Poly-phenols Help contain toxins that are harmful to the body, such as nitrosamines have (carcinogens) to fight against free radicals, making it wears down a chance to harm our cells. And green tea can also reduce body fat by increasing metabolism, helps increase metabolism. Lose weight safely and without side effects, and help reduce the fat in the blood as well. At present, it has been applied the benefits of green tea extract to help slow inflation as well as premature because green tea can eliminate free radicals more effectively. As a result of body toxins or free radicals, skin becomes bright shine without premature aging reduces the dependencies as well as premature.
Second, Drinking green tea can reduce the risk of many diseases.Green tea may be used as a weapon to get rid of the tumor, whether it is. Breast cancer Stomach cancer Colon Cancer Bladder Cancer Prostate Cancer Esophageal cancer and liver cancer. As
a result of a piece of evidence. Japan, which has the highest smoking rate in the country. But the rate of lung cancer patients lowered. Compared to other developed nations due to the Japanese tea consumption. With food every meal for a long time and a study that Drinking green tea helps reduce the risk of heart disease. And cerebrovascular disease (stroke) from the results of other researchers also found that green tea has properties equivalent to aspirin. To help prevent blood clotting disorders. Which is the main cause of heart attack and stroke.It also showed that Japanese women aged 40 years and over who do not drink alcohol. And non-smokers But about five cups of regular green tea consumed per day. There is a risk of stroke decreased by 50 percent.In addition, green tea has anti-viral HIV as well. Information in the medical journal of immunology.And allergy edition published in November that. Substance catechin in green tea. The properties prevent infection with HIV. Experimental results show that. Concentrated green tea helps prevent HIV infection. Capture the white blood cells Species that are important to the immune system in our body called "T cells" (T cells), which is the first that has been infected with HIV If further