A lectin blot using Concanavalin A to stain mannose residueswas used to assess protein glycosylation of the mutant strains atthe restrictive temperature of 42 C. The blot revealed that themutant strains ASH84 (podB1) and R441 (swoP1) contain an alteredpattern of glycosylated proteins. The pattern observed in themutant strains when grown at 42 C differs from that of the comparablewild type at the same temperature (Fig. 10). For example,the protein bands present in the mutant strains between the 48and 38 kDa markers and in the <20 kDa range do not appear inthe wild type at either temperature (Fig. 10). The glycosylation patternsof the two mutant strains were indistinguishable at bothtemperatures, indicating a similar effect on protein glycosylation.Separate work was done using a wild type strain that had beengrown for a shorter period of time (4 h) at 42 C, so that cells were noticeable differences in glycosylation patterns were seen betweenthe wild type in the 16-h hyphal state and in the 4-h pre-hyphalstate (data not shown).
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