Q1: Why did you decide to take up this role? (This qn he answered many times, so I think I can skip right? )
One cute point is he says he starts to imagine that he is 96 born guy... and over time he really believe he is a 96 yr guy and with this "wrong thinking", he finished the drama.
Q2: Is there many emotional scenes in this drama?
This is one of the most "emotional" character in all my works. I never thought it would be such at the beginning. At the beginning, being a high schooler never expect he would be so into his love relationship. Later I realize Kim Tan really have a innocent heart towards Love, even more compared to 20-30 year olds, During the "crying" scene, my heart also like him, felt deeply hurt , it's very tiring, always in a "crying/sad" state even during the waiting time during the filming.
Q3: Who is your ideal gal in the drama?
Eun Sang + Rachel + Bona.. mixture! Really... EunSang good natured, Rachel straight forwardness, Bona cuteness are the best. Very greedy right?
Q4: 1996 Year old?
This is very difficult to explain but during the drama, I tried to think I am 1996 thus the feeling is good. Able to show the concept of love, interact with others and show how is Kim Tan... I feel fortunate.
3 person conversation:
LMH: It's very tiring When I joke around the rest will get angry... we tease each other and hurt each other thus very tiring.
PSH: Really since we are all "A blood" type, thus everyone was very cheerful and happy during filming.
KWB: Both of you are "A blood" type? Hyung you too?. I am the only "B blood" type here and it was really tiring! While everyone is joking away, I thought it was serious! (I wonder what did they joke about that KWB think it was real??)
Q: What is the 1st impression of each other?
LMH: Woobin! 1st impression was really aloof and cool. Very manly and have the image that he is always thinking about something. Overtime then feels that he is a sincere and have his own thinking friend.
KWB: Thanks
PSH: Extremely sincere and friendly friend.
LMH: Cannot only says his good point, must says his bad points. What is Woobin bad points? (is he feeling jealous here?!? haha)
PSH: Heodang (means blur) Looks cool and aloof but also a lot of Heodang moments.
Q: Who is the mood maker?
LMH: Hyung sik, PSH and Krystal. They are popular among staff too. Hyung Sik - popular among female staff. PSH & Krystal popular among male staff.
PSH: Krystal just standing there only will cause the male staff to be happy!
KWB: Then you have to work harder right?
PSH: I am besides a younger friend... I am always hardworking but this time I am consider "older"... sigh.. those younger friends really... I cannot lost to them!
Q: How's working together with each other?
LMH: Me and PSH started filming in USA. Feels that PSH is able to match with her co-star very well. With KWB only from epi 5 and the 1st scene is just staring at each other thus feels a lot of energy with the young 20s actor.
PSH: with Minho Oppa I can feel that we are able to match very well and support each other. It's comfortable to act with him and also a lot of help from him. He would give me a lot of support and guide me during our scenes. Woobin always very inquisitive and able to show unexpected feels during his parts thus very interesting.
KWB: LMH & PSH are my sunbaenim I am able to learn a lot of things as both of them are rich in acting experience. From the 2 of them, I learn a lot... how to back hug etc.. as both of them are able to happily act out the drama. (I think there must be some internal jokes about hugging etc? The Chinese translator refer to the wrap party hug as well... wonder what is this joke about??)
Q: So what is the "selling point" of Heirs?
LMH: I feel its the innocent love/heart.
PSH: I feel it's the "ji jin" and enthusiastic of the youngster
KWB: Not only the youngster, all the cast feelings and parts that they suffer are also interesting.