Increase teacher qualifications and adjust the curriculum design
The number of educators with proper professional credentials is lower than expected
(Mayaka & Akama, 2007). Such situations are also found in other nations (Mayaka & Akama,
2007; Tribe, 2005). Developing a stable research environment is extremely difficult if the
professional specialty of its teachers does not fit with the departmental goals. We
recommend that departments have clear goals for future development, thus striking a
balance between teachers with academic and professional expertise within appropriate
Mayaka and Akama (2007) suggested that curricula should adopt horizontal integration and
vertical articulation. Horizontal integration includes all the factors in learning including the
family, society and school environments. These elements influence learning attitudes,
performance and competence of students. Integrating these elements leads to more effective
development of the students’ knowledge and professional skills. The vertical articulation links
to and integrates with different educational levels, making each stage of learning in relation
to others into a well-formed framework. Higher standards are thus achieved and students are
armed with a competitive edge.