That's right on the money. I lived and worked there for 4 years, and everything you say is 100% true, the petty nationalism especially pissed me off. In particular, the king worship is ridiculous, and really got on my nerves; "Thai people love the king", **** OFF YOU GOAT!! is what I felt like saying. And don't get me started about being called "farang". I worked at their top university and was commonly referred to as farang, and not Dr xxxx. I have never, in my life, heard such ignorance and xenophobia in any other country in the world, even in racist Singapore where I worked for 2 years prior. The fact is, you are not welcome there, and all that you have mentioned are merely a symptoms of this fact. More disturbingly, there has been an epidemic of white murders in the past 5 years, these are generally covered up by the police and describe in the local media as "suicides", generally "balcony jumps" and "hangings". Advice to English teachers: Stay away from Thailand at all costs, this is by far the worst place in the world to work. Try Vietnam or Malaysia for a safer more civilized experience.