Money is one of the important necessities in human life, many people judge that money is the main determiner of happiness. However, some people do not think so. Happiness is not able to be bought by money. It will not be fair to conclude immediately. I firmly believe that living with amount money or without money will bring happiness in many ways, depend on what happiness is.
All people use part of their lifetime to work for earning money to survive their life. They need many things in their life which need money to get them, because of nothing free in the world, everything needs money. Secondly, money makes people do a lot of things for giving happiness to their family by preparing the best education for their children. The children need shoes, uniform, transportation, and other things. Because of them, some people measure the happiness by money as a measurement.
On the other hand, some people disagree it. They say that happiness cannot be bought by money, many wealthy people have much money, they can buy anything which they want. But they are not happy. Fighting is a habit in their home because they have less time to educate their children to be better. Their children have tried alcohol and drugs because they have much money given by their parents which they can use to pay and buy everything they want, but they have no control from their parents. The effect is their life suffering and being bad family. So they assume that the most important for happiness is not about money, but many sites, such as attention from their family, time, educated children, and others.
In my conclusion, I do agree that money plays an important thing in happiness but not all money can be brought happiness. Balancing of life should be seen as a complete mirror that children not only need better education but also need more affection of their parents. Hence, the parents who work hard to give the best for their family should care about time being together with family. As a result, this condition will bring people happiness not only depend on how much money they have but how to balance their togetherness with family.