Phu Thap boek Located at Tambon Wang petchaboon province municipalities that have a height from sea level is approximately 1768 metres, which is the highest point of the province phetchabun is a terrain that is the beauty of the sea and the mountains, natural forests. Abundance Zia Ka sut sopri Cool all year round. In the early morning fog and clouds seen as foggy with Green Mountain is a cabbage varieties, the largest in the country, Thai. Phu Thap boek is one of the most important, because it is a central point of blue water supports Hao to September 9, 1999: 15.59 time at the monastery to pick over the House is offering nomklao diamonds, water is a sacred Buddhist ceremony, half auspicious birthday 6 rounds on December 5, 1999 as a place where there is the biggest thermometer in the Thai nation and also a path. Links to tourist attractions and important historical National Park Phu Hin Rong KLA.