In the beginning of the arc Mikado is holding a meeting for the Blue Squares with Aoba. He starts looking at the news for the Dollars in front of everyone and sees that a lot of Dollars members are having a huge dispute over Kadota's accident. Mikado is disturbed by the news. Later he finds out that Shizuo has been arrested and put in police custody. Mikado is glad that Shizuo was arrested right after he quit Dollars.
Then Aoba told Mikado that Celty was nearby and Celty was nearby the entire time the meeting took place. Mikado was very surprised since he hasn't seen Celty for a long time and wondered how Aoba had made contact with her. When Celty asks Mikado about his injuries he replies that the 'bad people' did it. While Celty kept on asking him questions Akabayashi entered the room and asked Mikado if he would join the conversation. Mikado is scared at first and then calms down.
Akabayashi asks Mikado if he wants to be allies with the Yakuza. Mikado accepts after a couple of minutes of talking. Then Shuiji walks in and asks Mikado if he could help him find Haruna. Later, Mikado talks with Celty. When Celty asks him what he was going to do with the yellow scarves Mikado replies that he is going to start an all out war. Celty is surprised at the news and tries to to stop Mikado.