Jung, when l see new photos, l know you update after we are getting closer and l delete my account. So that mean you are still searching for someone after we are together.
I think l am the one not good enough for you... if you want to search for other, it because you don't think we have future together. I understand you... l love you and l want you to be happy, even if now l know you don't want me.
I just want your honesty... why you put new photos l never see before? .., you are still searching.
You still not answer my other question... what would you think and how would you feel if l do the same thing and keep my profile on LBK and add new photos? What would you think?
I love you very much, l wanted us to have a future. But if you still searching... ok, go and keep searching... just tell me the truth please. Don't break my heart more if you don't love me that way... l want you to be happy with someone good.., not sad because you only have me.
I am a nice guy.., l can find someone. Tell me what is really in your heart. How do you truly feel about us? I can take the truth. I will always love you.., no matter what happen now.