Validity of other measures in the extended TAM
Additional analyses were performed to assess the validity of other ETAM measures. Using
principal component analysis, the four items that measured perceived usefulness of the
systemloaded on a single factor accounting for 83 percent of the variability. Factor loadings
for the four items range from 0.90 to 0.92, indicating convergence and a strong relationship
between the items and the underlying construct .
Descriptive statistics
I presents descriptive statistics for the measured variables with the reliability of each scale. All measurement scales showed acceptable or high reliability with Cronbach’ saexceeding 0.78 (Nunnally, 1978).
A correlation analysis shows that PU and PEU
of the online system were significantly correlated with participants’ intention.
Also, these two determinants were significantly correlated to each other. These results are consistent with those in prior studies (Davis, 1989).
As noted earlier, a factor analysis indicated convergence and high reliability for the
three items that measured participants’ trust in system reliability. Thus, we averaged
participants’ responses to form the measure of trust in system reliability (TSR).
Similarly, the six items that measured participants’ trust in the internet loaded on
a single factor accounting for 69 percent of the variability. Factor loadings for the six
items range from 0.74 to 0.89. Participants’ responses to the six items were averaged
to form the measure of trust in internet (TI). TSR and TI were significantly correlated with participants’ intention. Also, TSR