In this study, probucol reduced HDL-C levels
(Table 2). As a mechanism of this effect, probucol is
known to activate cholesterol ester transfer protein [34].
Generally, low HDL-C levels aggravate atherosclerosis.
However, probucol is known to increase reverse
cholesterol transport [35]. Furthermore, the antiatherogenic
effects of probucol have been reported
[36,37]. These data suggest that despite the HDL-C
loweringaction,probucol hasanti-atherogeneticeffects.
We speculate that reverse cholesterol transport by
probucol might also contribute to prevent progression of
atherosclerosis in the kidney, and is a mechanism by
which probucol suppresses diabetic nephropathy.
In this study, probucol reduced HDL-C levels(Table 2). As a mechanism of this effect, probucol isknown to activate cholesterol ester transfer protein [34].Generally, low HDL-C levels aggravate atherosclerosis.However, probucol is known to increase reversecholesterol transport [35]. Furthermore, the antiatherogeniceffects of probucol have been reported[36,37]. These data suggest that despite the HDL-Cloweringaction,probucol hasanti-atherogeneticeffects.We speculate that reverse cholesterol transport byprobucol might also contribute to prevent progression ofatherosclerosis in the kidney, and is a mechanism bywhich probucol suppresses diabetic nephropathy.
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