(e.g., the layout of rooms, placement of plumbing fixtures and electrical outlets, and so on). Finally, the house is built following the blueprints—and often with some changes and decisions made by the owner as the house is erected. Building an information system using the SDLC follows a similar set of four fundamental phases: planning, analysis, design, and implementation (Figure 1-2). Each phase is itself composed of a series of steps, which rely on techniques that produce deliverables (specific documents and files that explain various elements of the system). Figure 1-3 provides more detail on the steps, techniques, and deliverables that are included in each phase of the SDLC and outlines how these topics are covered in this textbook. Figures 1-2 and 1-3 suggest that the SDLC phases proceed in a logical path from start to finish. In some projects, this is true. In many projects, however, the project team moves through the steps consecutively, incrementally, iteratively, or in