Findings shown that related the advantages and limitations use of the English Booklet had 3 strengths. They were: 1) Overall,English booklet design that the strongly agree (means = 4.17) and we found that the sellers were opinion strongly agree the book design suitable for use (means =4.30) , 2) English content from findings indicated that overall of respondents were opinion strongly agree (means = 4.23) we noticed that the highest agree to give’s opinion to practical vocabulary and expressions (means = 4.30), 3) Overall, all the usefulness of English booklet were opinion highest agree (means = 4.31) The most respondents were give’s opinion strongly agree that English booklet useful (means = 4.45) Therefore, the result of analysis 3 strengths. Indicating the most sellers in the Khlong Lad Mayom floating market were give’s opinion highest agree about the advantages and limitations to use English booklet. English booklet was useful for sellers in the Khlong Lad Mayom floating market that they were use to communicate and trade more efficiently.