herbivores, in general we expect synergism between
tolerance and parasitoid success if tolerance increases
the likelihood that parasitoids complete development
within the host. Therefore, we predict that plant traits
involved in parasitoid attraction will co-occur with those
mediating tolerance. This parasitoid-tolerance syndrome
would resolve some of the conflict surrounding theories
underlying plant–carnivore mutualisms, which, despite
the antagonistic role plant resistance can have on natural
enemy bodyguards through negative impacts on herbi-
vores, have exclusively emphasized resistance as the only
option for plant defense [43]. As an alternative, tolerance-
based defenses, especially those involved in vigorous
plant regrowth after damage, may have mutualistic effects
on herbivore natural enemies through increased herbi-
vore performance. As an initial step in determining the
relative co-occurrence of different defenses, studies could
test for simple genetic correlations between parasitoid-
enhancing traits and tolerance mechanisms within and
across different plant species