“If I hadn’t done anything, that deer would have ran away. Your javelin’s accuracy is still a little off, we will practice javelin throwing five hundred times this evening.” A deep voice was heard, with two shadows approaching.
Two men appeared, one was a black haired middle aged man with a strong body build, carrying a box of weapon. The other man was even more muscular being about two meters, with arms thicker than normal people’s legs, but his head was that of a lions. He was one the rare Beast-man, “a Lion-man”, and he too was carrying a box of weapons.
“Tong San, look how incredible my son is, this year he is still eight, but he already has the strength of an average man.” The middle aged man said with a smile.
“Yeah, XueYing is indeed incredible, there will no problem for him to be stronger than you later.” The Lion-man said with an amused tone.