usb_init() - Initializes the USB stack, the USB peripheral and ////
//// attaches the unit to the usb bus. Enables ////
//// interrupts. ////
//// ////
//// usb_init_cs() - A smaller usb_init(), does not attach unit ////
//// to usb bus or enable interrupts. ////
//// ////
//// usb_put_packet() - Sends one packet to the host. ////
//// If you need to send a message that spans ////
//// more than one packet then see usb_puts() in ////
//// usb.c ////
//// ////
//// usb_kbhit() - Returns true if OUT endpoint contains data from ////
//// host. ////
//// ////
//// usb_rx_packet_size() - Returns the size of packet that was ////
//// received. usb_kbhit() must return TRUE else ////
//// this is not valid. Don't forget in USB there ////
//// are 0 len packets! ////
//// ////
//// usb_get_packet() - Gets one packet that from the host. ////
//// usb_kbhit() must return true before you call ////
//// this routine or your data may not be valid. ////
//// Once usb_kbhit() returns true you want to ////
//// call this as soon as possible to get data ////
//// out of the endpoint buffer so the PC can ////
//// start sending more data, if needed. ////
//// This only receives one packet, if you are ////
//// trying to receive a multi-packet message ////
//// see usb_gets() in usb.c. ////
//// ////
//// usb_detach() - De-attach USB from the system. ////
//// ////
//// usb_attach() - Attach USB to the system. ////
//// ////
//// usb_attached() - Returns TRUE if the device is attached to a USB cable. A macro that looks at the defined connection sense pin. ////
//// ////
//// usb_task() - Keeps track of connection sense, calling ////
//// usb_detach() and usb_attach() when needed.