Why are you not picking your call?I have been calling you since today so that you can speak your language with the custom people but you decide not to answer.Are you happy the way am being held here at the airport?Please i don't want to be stupid by releasing your address to you.Please do whatever you can to get me out of here.Am getting weaker and weaker here.Please if you don't talk to me on the phone now,i will give your information to the customs people and i will tell them as well that am not the only owner of the content of the parcel.Honey please do not let me suffer much here in country.Please remember that we have come a long way into this relationship and i have been the one suffering all the difficulties alone.DO get back at me now before they will ask me not to use the phone any longer.HONEY PLEASE AM WAITING FOR YOUR RESPONSE IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THINGS GETS WORSE