I. In Medical field
An application using NFC to track patients with some
diseases has been deployed in Karachi [17].For reducing
medical errors NFC tags are used for identification of
medicines, in which tag is placed on medicine [18]. NFC
technology can be helpful in tracking of patient information by
collecting and transmitting in real time from variable health
related devices like heart monitors, body temperature sensors and blood pressure sensors to the patient’s NFC tag [21].
Recent development in technology is now a day playing a
helpful role in technical assistance to support people with
visual disabilities in their everyday tasks and to overcome
various problems they face everyday. To overcome the
problem of assistive tools in many countries, a wide variety of
inexpensive applications use Near Field Communication
(NFC) tagging technology in development of assistive tools
for people having visual disabilities [22]. Near Field
Communication (NFC) based appointment system was
developed which only requires the patient to tap their NFC
card to make the registration process successful. Intelligent
NFC based appointment system was developed to prioritize
the appointment based on profile/age of the patient [23]. NFC
tags can be used for the reliable patient’s record and for
automating the health flow with Body Sensors