Shutterstock's blank release forms are available through our Legal Center. You may use certain other release forms listed on our blog.
For footage, the release must specify film, video, filmmaker or some similar term. The phrase “any and all media” is not sufficient.
Be sure to provide the following required information:
Photographer/Videographer Information
Full name as listed on your Shutterstock Account (include Business Name as well, if applicable)
Model Information
Full name
Birth Date
Full address or e-mail address
Signature & Date
If you are adding Ethnicity information refer to our Ethnicity Guide
Witness Information
Full name
Signature & Date
The date of the model and witness signatures should be the same. This is because the witness must have observed the model signing the release.
The witness must not be the videographer/photographer and must not be the model, or model’s parent / guardian
Special circumstances
Self-portraits: The photographer must sign as both the photographer and the model. Someone else must be the witness.
Deceased model: The next of kin must fill out & sign the model release in the name of the model.
Model under 18 years old: Submit a Minor Model Release, signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Nude model: Releases for nude models must include a copy of the model’s photo identification with proof that the model is over the age of 21.
Please visit our blog to learn more about Shutterstock's model release requirements and how to to avoid common mistakes.