once you've gained the prospects attention the next step is to maintain interest in your product or service to keep the recipients engaged. explain to the recipients how the problem you've identified in the attention step is adversely affecting their lives. a demonstration or illustration can help the recipients to further identify with the problem and want to actively seek possible solutions. by personalizing the problem you're making it hit closer to home
In the desire stage you objective is to show the prospects how your product or service can solve their problem.Explain the features of the product or service and the related benefits and demonstrate how the benefits fulfill the need. A common advertising process is the before and after technique such as when a cleaning product makes a soiled item look brand new. if done effectively the prospects should now have the desire to make a purchase.
Now that you've created the desire to make a purchase the final step is to persuade the prospects to take immediate action. In a one-on-one sales process this is the time to ask for the sale. In the advertising world techniques involve creating sense of urgency by extending an offer for a limited time or including a bonus of special gift to those who act within a specific time frame. Without a specific call to action the prospect may simply forget about your offer and move on