At present, the entity uses Seacom System for recording time. Employees have their own identification card for identified in time record machine. They have to record time in and time out in time record machine. For overtime record, employee will record overtime in Weekly Overtime Report and send to their departmental leader and K.Rihito Onuma (Managing Director) for Approval. Then, Weekly Overtime Report will send to K.Kulwadee (HR Manager) and she will reconcile Overtime record from employee with recording time in time attendance (รายงานเวลาเข้า-ออกงานของพนักงาน) before disbursement.
In case the employees have to work outside the office, they have to record time in Time sheet to specify reason and approve by their departmental leader and K.Rihito Onuma (Managing Director) and send it back to K.Kulwadee (HR Manager).