You share some good points there, however I don't completely agree. I believe that a person can change their lives for the better if they choose to do so and act upon it; whether or not they have a strong sense of faith in God or a higher being. And if your faith in God empowers you and helps you shape a better life for yourself, then keep on keeping on. I just don't think that's the answer for everyone.
I also understand that Simon discusses this concept using business as an example. However, since I am not a business woman I chose to take this concept and apply it into an area in my life that I am currently working on which is my personal development. By switching how I identified myself from 'what I do' to 'why I do it' I allow myself to do the things that are in alignment with my beliefs and values resulting with a stronger feeling of purpose with my life.
Lastly, I feel as though it is ignorant to claim knowing "all the answers", so no I do not aspire towards that. I aspire to be a student of life, love and personal development. I believe my life is a gift and I intend to make the most of it.