I have not created a successful Speed run. I'm working on firguring it out but what I can tell you can't make this video too early. The game needs to be out atleast a few months it appears based on the negative comments I got. some of the negative comments didn't make any sense. because they said I didn't make a walkthough video even though there were 5 of them and they complained I was making too many.... sigh...... UPDATE: I did make a sucessful Speed run video. game does need to be out for well
over a month.
Need to make 3 gameplays and 3 walkthroughs, when you finish the video check the interest level. if it's low consider not publishing it. (just for fun I had one that was 0, only lost a couple hunderd subscribers. unlike the 1.2K i lost when the game was only a couple weeks old, even though I made 2 or 3 walkthroughs still says how can I make one without making a walkthrough.... really)