In general, experiments using younger (NIV or NV) naupliar stages were easier to interpret since the percent change to copepodite could be monitored between multiple days instead of having the bulk of the metamorphosis occur over the first 24 h. There were no significant differences in the percent metamorphosis across treatments in any experiment over the first 24 h.
Copepod responses to CCMP isolate 1708 in stationary growth phase
Grazing experiments
There were no significant differences among treatments in ingestion rates in experiment 3 which was designed to compare the ingestion of stationary phase A. anophagefferens (1708) to I. galbana (Fig. 3b and c). The mean ingestion rate on A. anophagefferens alone (100%) was approximately twice the ingestion rate on an I. galbana diet (averaged over the two parts of experiment 3), which was similar to results obtained in experiments 1 and 2 (Fig. 3a). The diet mixture 80:20 Aa:ISO had the lowest mean ingestion rate and the greatest electivity indices (Table II). The diet consisting of 20% stationary cells of 1708 had a positive electivity index for A. anophagefferens cells (Table II). The mixed diets of 50:50 and 80:20 Aa:ISO had negative indices for the brown tide alga and positive indices for I. galbana (Table II).