Honey, I am so happy reading your message and Just want to be close to you for a moment. At this very moment I want to quit with everything. Honey, you don't know how happy I am to have met you. You are the light in my day. Especially today. If only I could have come up with the right words to describe the depth of this beautiful feeling that I have for you, I would have whispered them to you the first time we met. The best thing that I can do is to show you now. Ever since you walked into my life, I have been smiling. There hasn't been a day when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it's all because of you. Honey, I am glad that you came into my life. I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I am. Now I have found the person I was looking for. My heart told me that my Prince Charming was there when we first exchange mails here. I don't think that there is, or there could be, anyone better than you out there for me. honey i love you so much with all my heart and i miss you so much waiting for you reply.